
JSON Example
    "persistence": "string",
    "persistence_shared": false

This field indicates the persistence method used for the PolicyLbVirtualServer.

  • COOKIE persistence allows related client connections, identified by the same cookie in HTTP requests [Refer to HTTP Cookie for details on HTTP cookies], to be redirected to the same server. Load balancer does not maintain any persistence table for cookie persistence. Instead, it encodes the necessary information in the HTTP cookie value sent to client and relies on the client to store it and send it back in subsequent related HTTP requests. Hence there is no limit on the number of cookie persistence entries that can be supported.
  • SOURCE_IP persistence ensures all connections from a client (identified by IP address) are sent to the same backend server for a specified period.
  • This object is not required and without creation of this object the virtual server persistence is disabled by default
Possible values are : COOKIE, SOURCE_IP,

Persistence shared setting indicates that all PolicyLbVirtualServers that consume this PolicyLbPersistenceProfile should share the same persistence mechanism when enabled. Meaning, persistence entries of a client accessing one virtual server will also affect the same client's connections to a different virtual server. For example, say there are two virtual servers vip-ip1:80 and vip-ip1:8080 bound to the same Group g1 consisting of two servers (s11:80 and s12:80). By default, each virtual server will have its own persistence table or cookie. So, in the earlier example, there will be two tables (vip-ip1:80, p1) and (vip-ip1:8080, p1) or cookies. So, if a client connects to vip1:80 and later connects to vip1:8080, the second connection may be sent to a different server than the first. When persistence_shared is enabled, then the second connection will always connect to the same server as the original connection. For COOKIE persistence type, the same cookie will be shared by multiple virtual servers. For SOURCE_IP persistenct type, the persistence table will be shared across virtual servers.