

Binding of a LBPool and Group to a LBVirtualServer used to route application traffic passing through load balancers. LBRule uses match conditions to match application traffic passing through a LBVirtualServer using HTTP or HTTPS. Can bind multiple LBVirtualServers to a Group. Each LBRule consists of two optional match conditions, each match contidion defines a criterion for application traffic. If no match conditions are specified, then the LBRule will always match and it is used typically to define default rules. If more than one match condition is specified, then matching strategy determines if all conditions should match or any one condition should match for the LBRule to be considered a match. A match indicates that the LBVirtualServer should route the request to the Group (parent of LBRule).

JSON Example
    "actions": [
            "type": "string"
    "display_name": "string",
    "match_conditions": [
            "inverse": false,
            "type": "string"
    "match_strategy": "string",
    "phase": "string"

A list of actions to be executed at specified phase when load balancer rule matches. The actions are used to manipulate application traffic, such as rewrite URI of HTTP messages, redirect HTTP messages, etc.


A display name useful for identifying an LBRule.


A list of match conditions used to match application traffic. Multiple match conditions can be specified in one load balancer rule, each match condition defines a criterion to match application traffic. If no match conditions are specified, then the load balancer rule will always match and it is used typically to define default rules. If more than one match condition is specified, then match strategy determines if all conditions should match or any one condition should match for the load balancer rule to considered a match.


If more than one match condition is specified, then matching strategy determines if all conditions should match or any one condition should match for the LB Rule to be considered a match.

  • ALL indicates that both host_match and path_match must match for this LBRule to be considered a match.
  • ANY indicates that either host_match or patch match may match for this LBRule to be considered a match.
Possible values are : ALL, ANY,

Each load balancer rule is used at a specific phase of load balancer processing. Currently three phases are supported, HTTP_REQUEST_REWRITE, HTTP_FORWARDING and HTTP_RESPONSE_REWRITE. When an HTTP request message is received by load balancer, all HTTP_REQUEST_REWRITE rules, if present are executed in the order they are applied to virtual server. And then if HTTP_FORWARDING rules present, only first matching rule's action is executed, remaining rules are not checked. HTTP_FORWARDING rules can have only one action. If the request is forwarded to a backend server and the response goes back to load balancer, all HTTP_RESPONSE_REWRITE rules, if present, are executed in the order they are applied to the virtual server.