

Pre-defined constants for possible action types.

Virtual Center uses this information to coordinate with the clients.

Possible values:

  • MigrationV1: Migration action type
  • VmPowerV1: Virtual machine power action type
  • HostPowerV1: Host power action type
  • HostMaintenanceV1: Host entering maintenance mode action type
  • StorageMigrationV1: Storage migration action type
  • StoragePlacementV1: Initial placement action for a virtual machine or a virtual disk
  • PlacementV1: Initial placement action for a virtual machine and its virtual disks
  • HostInfraUpdateHaV1: Host changing infrastructure update ha mode action type.
This data structure has no properties.
Enumeration: MigrationV1, VmPowerV1, HostPowerV1, HostMaintenanceV1, StorageMigrationV1, StoragePlacementV1, PlacementV1, HostInfraUpdateHaV1,