Esx Agent Manager Api Esx Agent Manager APIs

Esx Agent Manager Api Esx Agent Manager APIs

The EsxAgentManager is the main entry point for a solution to create agencies in the vSphere ESX Agent Manager server.

In vCenter 6.0, a solution is either a vCenter extension or a regular user.

The vSphere ESX Agent Manager VMODL API distinguishes between two types of users: VC extensions and regular vCenter users. These users have different privileges in the vSphere ESX Agent Manager VMODL API:

  • VC extensions have the privileges to call anything in the vSphere ESX Agent Manager VMODL API.
  • Regular vCenter users have restrictions on what methods they can call. The methods that a vCenter user that is not an extension can call are annotated with two types of privileges, Eam.View and Eam.Modify:
    • Eam.View. If a method has the Eam.View privilege, a user can call that method if they have the EAM.View privilege in vCenter.
    • Eam.Modify. Similarly to Eam.View, if a method has the Eam.Modify privilege, a user can call that method if they have the EAM.Modify privilege in vCenter. If a user has the EAM.Modify privilege, they automatically have EAM.View.

In vCenter 6.5 every solution, which is making VMODL API calls to EsxAgentManager, should be aware of the posibility, that the data from vCenter database might not be fully loaded. In all such cases the clients will receive an ESX Agent Manager runtime fault: EamServiceNotInitialized. NOTE: No issues are associated with EsxAgentManager any longer.

Esx Agent Manager Create Agency
Creates an Agency.
Esx Agent Manager Get Agency
An array of all *Agency* objects.
Esx Agent Manager Get Issue
Current issues that have been detected for this entity.
Esx Agent Manager Get Maintenance Mode Policy
Obtains maintenance policy for for clusters not managed by vSphere Lifecycle Manasger.
Esx Agent Manager Query Agency
An array of all *Agency* objects.
Esx Agent Manager Query Issue
Current issues that have been detected for this entity.
Esx Agent Manager Resolve
Resolves the issues specified in the input.
Esx Agent Manager Resolve All
Resolve all outstanding issues.
Esx Agent Manager Scan For Unknown Agent Vm
Scans the vCenter inventory for any unknown agent virtual machine.
Esx Agent Manager Set Maintenance Mode Policy
Configures maintenance mode policy for clusters not managed by vSphere Lifecycle Manasger.