Storage Lifecycle Management APIs

Storage Lifecycle Management APIs
API Categories

The VslmServiceInstance managed object is the root object of the vSphere Storage Lifecycle Management(VSLM) service.

After you connect to VSLM Server, you create a reference to the VslmServiceInstance, and use that reference to retrieve the VslmServiceInstanceContent data object. The VslmServiceInstanceContent object provides access to VSLM managed objects.


VslmSessionManager managed object manages client sessions.

Login to VSLM service is done through this interface. It is SSO enabled so only login by using SamlToken is allowed. This API is intended for internal use only.


Interface to manage storage inventory in VSLM service.

VSLM maintains inventory of VStorageObjects present on all the datastores connected to VC. If there is a change in datastore membership in VC that has to be updated in VSLM as well. APIs in this class are called as callback functions when Datastore membership in VC changes.


A task is used to monitor long running operations.


Interface to manage virtual storage object on a vCenter.

VStorageObjectManager and SPBM policy support: All of the VStorageObjectManager APIs requiring ESXi host uses "Programatically selected" host to perform the actual operation. If the selected host is of 6.5 version then policy would not be passed down to host. In that case, user operation would succeed but if user checks SPBM Entity Compliance, it will show "Mismatch" / "Non Compliant" as a compliance result.