Storage Monitoring Service Sms Storage Manager APIs

Storage Monitoring Service Sms Storage Manager APIs

The SmsStorageManager managed object (SMS) provides methods to retrieve information about available storage topology, capabilities, and state.

SMS establishes and maintains connections with VASA providers. SMS retrieves information about storage availability from the providers, and clients can use the SMS API to perform the following operations.

  • Identify VASA providers.
  • Retrieve information about storage arrays.
  • Identify vSphere inventory entities (hosts and datastores) which are associated with external storage entities on the storage arrays.

Sms Storage Manager Query Array
Get the list of storage arrays managed by all the registered VASA providers.
Sms Storage Manager Query Array Associated With Lun
Get the StorageArray object that is associated with the ScsiLun.
Sms Storage Manager Query Associated Backing Storage Pool
Query Backing Storage Pools for StorageLun or StorageFileSystem.
Sms Storage Manager Query Datastore Backing Pool Mapping
Query BackingStoragePools for the given set of datastores.
Sms Storage Manager Query Datastore Capability
Get the capability for the given datastore.
Sms Storage Manager Query Drs Migration Capability For Performance
Query the provider to figure out whether Storage DRS should migrate VMDKs between the two given datastores.
Sms Storage Manager Query Drs Migration Capability For Performance Ex
Query available VASA providers for I/O performance based migration recommendations for all pair combinations of the given set of datastores.
Sms Storage Manager Query Fault Domain
Query for fault domains based on the query spec.
Sms Storage Manager Query File System Associated With Array
Get the StorageFileSystem data objects for the Array.
Sms Storage Manager Query Host Associated With Lun
Get HostSystem managed entities that share the StorageLun.
Sms Storage Manager Query Lun Associated With Array
Get the list of StorageLun data objects that for the Array.
Sms Storage Manager Query Lun Associated With Port
Get the StorageLun data objects that are associated with StoragePort.
Sms Storage Manager Query Nfs Datastore Associated With File System
Get NFS datastore managed entity that are associated with StorageFileSystem.
Sms Storage Manager Query Port Associated With Array
Get the StoragePort data objects that are associated with Array.
Sms Storage Manager Query Port Associated With Lun
Get the StoragePort data object that is associated with LUN.
Sms Storage Manager Query Port Associated With Processor
Get the StoragePort data objects that are associated with Processor.
Sms Storage Manager Query Processor Associated With Array
Get the StorageProcessor data objects that are associated with Array.
Sms Storage Manager Query Provider
Get the list of Providers that are currently registered with StorageManager.
Sms Storage Manager Query Replication Group Info
Query for replication group details based on the query filter spec.
Sms Storage Manager Query Storage Container
Query storage containers that are retrieved from VASA providers.
Sms Storage Manager Query Vmfs Datastore Associated With Lun
Get VMFS Datastore managed entity that are associated with StorageLun.
Sms Storage Manager Register Provider Task
Register the provider and issue a sync operation on it.
Sms Storage Manager Sms Refresh CA Certificates And CR Ls Task
SMS pushes the latest CA root certificates and CRLs to all registered VASA providers.
Sms Storage Manager Unregister Provider Task
Unregister the provider.