Storage Policy Pbm Compliance Manager APIs

Storage Policy Pbm Compliance Manager APIs

The PbmComplianceManager provides methods to verify the compliance of virtual machine and virtual disk requirement profiles.

When you provision a virtual machine on a matching datastore, the Server sends the profile to the storage provider. When you perform a compliance check, the storage provider compares the requirements with its capabilities, returns the results to the Server, and the Server returns the results to your client. The Server maintains the compliance results for retrieval at a later time.

You can check the compliance of one or more virtual machines and/or virtual disks. You can also perform a rollup compliance check, in which the Server checks the compliance of a virtual machine and all of its virtual disks.

Pbm Compliance Manager Pbm Check Compliance
Checks compliance of the profiles associated with one or more virtual machines and/or virtual disks.
Pbm Compliance Manager Pbm Check Rollup Compliance
Checks rollup compliance of virtual machines and returns the results to your client.
Pbm Compliance Manager Pbm Fetch Compliance Result
Retrieves the latest version of *PbmComplianceResult* objects that are available for the specified entities.
Pbm Compliance Manager Pbm Fetch Rollup Compliance Result
Retrieves the rollup compliance (*PbmRollupComplianceResult*) of the given virtual machines if present.
Pbm Compliance Manager Pbm Query By Rollup Compliance Status
Returns the virtual machines for the given rollup compliance status.