Virtual Infrastructure Http Nfc Lease APIs

Virtual Infrastructure Http Nfc Lease APIs

Represents a lease on a VirtualMachine or a VirtualApp, which can be used to import or export disks for the entity.

While the lease is held, operations that alter the state of the virtual machines covered by the lease are blocked. Examples of blocked operations are PowerOn, Destroy, Migrate, etc.

A lease is in one of four states:

This is the initial state. The lease remains in this state while the corresponding import/export task is preparing the objects. In an import session, this involves creating inventory objects.
The lease changes to this state once the corresponding import/export task is done preparing the lease. The leased objects are now ready, and the client can use the information provided in the [info](../../sdk/vim25/release/HttpNfcLease/moId/info/get) property to determine where to up/download disks. The client must call [HttpNfcLeaseProgress](../../sdk/vim25/release/HttpNfcLease/moId/HttpNfcLeaseProgress/post) periodically to keep the lease alive and report progress to the corresponding import/export task. Failure to do so causes the lease to time out and enter the error state.
When the client is done transferring disks, it calls [HttpNfcLeaseComplete](../../sdk/vim25/release/HttpNfcLease/moId/HttpNfcLeaseComplete/post) to signal the end of the import/export session. This causes the corresponding import/export task to complete successfully.
If an error occurs during initialization or the lease times out, it will change to this state. The client can also abort the lease manually by calling [HttpNfcLeaseAbort](../../sdk/vim25/release/HttpNfcLease/moId/HttpNfcLeaseAbort/post). In this state, the [error](../../sdk/vim25/release/HttpNfcLease/moId/error/get) property can be read to determine the cause. If the lease belongs to an import session, all objects created during the import are removed when the lease enters this state.
The import/export task corresponding to the lease continues running while the lease is held.

Http Nfc Lease Get Capabilities
Current supported capabilities by this lease See *HttpNfcLeaseCapabilities*
Http Nfc Lease Get Error
If the lease is in the error state, this property contains the error that caused the lease to be aborted.
Http Nfc Lease Get Info
Provides information on the objects contained in this lease.
Http Nfc Lease Get Initialize Progress
Provides progress information (0-100 percent) for the initializing state of the lease.
Http Nfc Lease Get Mode
Current mode of the lease.
Http Nfc Lease Get State
The current state of the lease.
Http Nfc Lease Get Transfer Progress
Provides progress information (0-100 percent) for current transfer.
Http Nfc Lease Http Nfc Lease Abort
Aborts the import/export and releases this lease.
Http Nfc Lease Http Nfc Lease Complete
Completes the import/export and releases this lease.
Http Nfc Lease Http Nfc Lease Get Manifest
Gets the download manifest for this lease.
Http Nfc Lease Http Nfc Lease Probe Urls
Perform a series of validations on the target host to see if it can succesfully perform PullFromUrls.
Http Nfc Lease Http Nfc Lease Progress
Sets the disk up/download progress, and renews this lease.
Http Nfc Lease Http Nfc Lease Pull From Urls Task
Upgrades current lease from push to pull mode.
Http Nfc Lease Http Nfc Lease Set Manifest Checksum Type
Sets desired checksum algorithm per each file that will be returned in ManifestEntry.