Virtual Infrastructure List View APIs

Virtual Infrastructure List View APIs

The ListView managed object provides access to updates on a specific set of objects.

You can use a ListView with a PropertyCollector method to retrieve data or receive notification of changes. For information about using views with the PropertyCollector, see the description of ViewManager.

When you invoke the CreateListView method, you specify a list of objects. The view list always represents the current configuration of the virtual environment and reflects any subsequent changes that occur.

List View Destroy View
Destroy this view.
List View Get View
The list of references to objects mapped by this view.
List View Modify List View
Modify the list by giving a delta of entities to add and entities to remove.
List View Reset List View
Replaces the list with an entirely new set of objects.
List View Reset List View From View
Replaces the list with the set of objects in a given view.