Virtual Infrastructure Option Manager APIs

Virtual Infrastructure Option Manager APIs

This managed object type is used for managing key/value pair options.

  • You can define options on the fly only if the option is supported by the concrete implementation, in a logical tree using a dot notation for keys. For example, "Ethernet.Connection" describes the Connection option as child of the Ethernet option.
  • Options can be updated even if not visible in supportedOption or settings or the queryMethod returned values only if supported by the concrete implementation.
  • Attempt to add random Options that are not supported by the concrete implementation may result in unexpected side-effects.
  • You can use the queryMethod to retrieve a single property or a subset of properties based on the dot notation path.

Option Manager Get Setting
A list of the current settings for the key/value pair options.
Option Manager Get Supported Option
A list of supported key/value pair options including their type information.
Option Manager Query Options
Returns a specific node or nodes in the option hierarchy.
Option Manager Update Options
Updates one or more options.