Virtual Infrastructure Property Collector APIs

Virtual Infrastructure Property Collector APIs

The PropertyCollector managed object retrieves and detects changes to the properties of other managed objects.

The RetrievePropertiesEx method provides one-time property retrieval. The WaitForUpdatesEx method provides incremental change detection and supports both polling and notification.

For change detection a client creates one or more filters to specify the subset of managed objects in which the client is interested. Filters keep per-session state to track incremental changes. Because this state is per-session:

  • A session cannot share its PropertyCollector filters with other sessions
  • two different clients can share the same session, and so can share the same filters, but this is not recommended
  • When a session terminates, the associated PropertyCollector filters are automatically destroyed.

Property Collector Cancel Retrieve Properties Ex
Discards remaining results from a retrieval started by *PropertyCollector.RetrievePropertiesEx* on the same session on the same *PropertyCollector*.
Property Collector Cancel Wait For Updates
Attempts to cancel outstanding calls to *PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdates* or *PropertyCollector.WaitForUpdatesEx* in the current session.
Property Collector Check For Updates
Checks for updates on properties specified by the union of all current filters.
Property Collector Continue Retrieve Properties Ex
Retrieves additional results from a retrieval started by *PropertyCollector.RetrievePropertiesEx* on the same session on the same *PropertyCollector*.
Property Collector Create Filter
Creates a new filter for the given set of managed objects.
Property Collector Create Property Collector
Creates a new session-specific *PropertyCollector* that can be used to retrieve property updates independent of any other *PropertyCollector*.
Property Collector Destroy Property Collector
Destroys this *PropertyCollector*.
Property Collector Get Filter
The filters that this *PropertyCollector* uses to determine the list of properties for which it detects incremental changes.
Property Collector Retrieve Properties
Retrieves the specified properties of the specified managed objects.
Property Collector Retrieve Properties Ex
Retrieves the specified properties of the specified managed objects.
Property Collector Wait For Updates
Calculate the set of updates for each existing filter in the session, returning when at least one filter has updates.
Property Collector Wait For Updates Ex
Calculate the set of updates for each existing filter in the session.