Virtual Infrastructure Virtual Disk Manager APIs

Virtual Infrastructure Virtual Disk Manager APIs

Most VirtualDiskManager APIs will be DEPRECATED as of vSphere 6.5. Please use VStorageObjectManager APIs to manage Virtual disks.

This managed object type provides a way to manage and manipulate virtual disks on datastores. The source and the destination names are in the form of a URL or a datastore path.

A URL has the form



  • scheme is http or https.
  • authority specifies the hostname or IP address of the VirtualCenter or ESX server and optionally the port.
  • dcPath is the inventory path to the Datacenter containing the Datastore.
  • dsName is the name of the Datastore.
  • path is a slash-delimited path from the root of the datastore.

A datastore path has the form

[datastore] path


  • datastore is the datastore name.
  • path is a slash-delimited path from the root of the datastore.

An example datastore path is "[storage] path/to/file.extension". A listing of all the files, disks and folders on a datastore can be obtained from the datastore browser.

See also HostDatastoreBrowser.

Virtual Disk Manager Copy Virtual Disk Task
Copy a virtual disk, performing conversions as specified in the spec.
Virtual Disk Manager Create Virtual Disk Task
Create a virtual disk.
Virtual Disk Manager Defragment Virtual Disk Task
Defragment a sparse virtual disk.
Virtual Disk Manager Delete Virtual Disk Task
Delete a virtual disk.
Virtual Disk Manager Eager Zero Virtual Disk Task
Explicitly zero out unaccessed parts zeroedthick disk.
Virtual Disk Manager Extend Virtual Disk Task
Expand the capacity of a virtual disk to the new capacity.
Virtual Disk Manager Import Unmanaged Snapshot
Import an unmanaged-snapshot from Virtual-Volume(VVol) enabled Storage Array.
Virtual Disk Manager Inflate Virtual Disk Task
Inflate a sparse or thin-provisioned virtual disk up to the full size.
Virtual Disk Manager Move Virtual Disk Task
Move a virtual disk and all related files from the source location specified by <code>sourceName</code> and <code>sourceDatacenter</code> to the destination location specified by <code>destName</code> and <code>destDatacenter</code>.
Virtual Disk Manager Query Virtual Disk Fragmentation
Return the percentage of fragmentation of the sparse virtual disk.
Virtual Disk Manager Query Virtual Disk Geometry
Get the disk geometry information for the virtual disk.
Virtual Disk Manager Query Virtual Disk Uuid
Get the virtual disk SCSI inquiry page 0x83 data.
Virtual Disk Manager Release Managed Snapshot
Release a snapshot previously imported with importUnmanagedSnapshot
Virtual Disk Manager Set Virtual Disk Uuid
Set the virtual disk SCSI inquiry page 0x83 data.
Virtual Disk Manager Shrink Virtual Disk Task
Shrink a sparse virtual disk.
Virtual Disk Manager Zero Fill Virtual Disk Task
Overwrite all blocks of the virtual disk with zeros.