Api Filter APIs

Api Filter APIs

Provides API for managing API filters. API filters allow external systems to extend the standard API included with VCD with custom URLs or custom processing of request's responses. An External Endpoint can be configured to process all requests sent to a specific URL or to a URL matching a URL pattern by creating an API filter for that External Endpoint ('externalSystemId') and the URL pattern ('urlPattern'). Only one External Endpoint should be processing requests on the same URL. If more that one enabled external endpoints are configured to process requests on the same URL, the requests sent to that URL will not be redirected and will fail with an appropriate message. External Endpoints cannot be configured with 'responseContentType'. An External Service can be configured to process all requests sent to a specific URL or to a URL matching a URL pattern by creating an API filter for that External Service ('externalSystemId') and the URL pattern ('urlPattern'). An External Service can be configured to process each response of a specific response type by creating an API filter for that External Service ('externalSystemId') and the response content type ('responseContentType'). If more than one External Service is configured to process requests for the same URL, all the services will be invoked in order of their priority. If more than one enabled external services are configured to process responses of the same response content type, all the services will be invoked in reverse order of their priority.

Create Api Filter
Create an API filter.
Delete Api Filter
Delete an API filter.
Get Api Filter
Retrieve an API filter.
Get Api Filters
Query API filters.
Update Api Filter
Update an API filter.