
JSON Example
    "communities": [
    "version": {
        "version": 0
array of string

List of BGP community entries. Both regular and large communities are supported. Regular community format: aa:nn where aa and nn must be within the range [1 - 65536]. Large BGP Community format: aa:bb:nn where aa (Global Administrator), bb (Local Data Part 1) and nn (Local Data Part 2) must be within the range [1 - 4294967295]. In addition to numbered communities (e.g. 3356:2040), predefined communities (NO_EXPORT, NO_ADVERTISE, NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFED) are also supported. For multiple community types, only the combination of regular and predefined communities is allowed.


This property describes the current version of the entity. To prevent clients from overwriting each other's changes, update operations must include the version which can be obtained by issuing a GET operation. If the version number on an update call is missing, the operation will be rejected. This is only needed on update calls.