Provider Gateway Ip Sec Vpn Tunnels APIs

Provider Gateway Ip Sec Vpn Tunnels APIs

APIs to manage IPSec VPN tunnels on a Provider Gateway.

Auto Configure Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel
Auto-configure a Route Based IpSec VPN tunnel on the Provider Gateway.
Create Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel
Creates an IPSec tunnel on the Provider Gateway.
Delete Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel
Deletes a specific IPSec tunnel for a given Provider Gateway.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel
Retrieves a specific IPSec tunnel for a given Provider Gateway.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Allowed Security Types
Retrieves the allowed IPSec VPN Tunnel security types
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Connection Properties
Retrieves connection properties for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Provider Gateway.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Default Connection Properties
Retrieves the default connection properties that are used for a given IPSec Tunnel when security type is default, or is unspecified.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Preset Connection Properties
Retrieves the connection properties that are used for a given security type preset on a Provider Gateway's backing network provider.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnels
Retrieves all IPSec tunnels for a given Provider Gateway.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Statistics
Retrieves connection statistics for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Provider Gateway.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Status
Retrieves status of a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Provider Gateway.
Update Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel
Updates a specific IPSec tunnel for a given Provider Gateway.
Update Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Connection Properties
Updates the connection properties for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Provider Gateway.