Environment Browser APIs

Environment Browser APIs

The vcenter environment_browser package provides services to access to the environment that physical hardware presents for creating and configuring a virtual machine. The environment consists of the following main components:

  • The available configuration option keys that may be used with the ConfigOption get() operation. Access to the configuration option keys is provided through the ConfigOptionDescriptor get() operation.
  • The virtual machine configuration options. Each vim.vm.ConfigOption describes the execution environment for a virtual machine, the particular set of virtual hardware that is supported. A given hardware might support multiple sets. Access is provided through the ConfigOption get() operation.
  • The supported device targets. Each virtual device specified in the virtual machine needs to be hooked up to a "physical" counterpart. For networks, this means choosing a network name; for a virtual CD-rom this might be an ISO image, etc. The environment browser provides access to the device targets through the ConfigTargets service.

API Categories

The ConfigOptionDescriptors service provides access to the keys used to query for available configuration options on certain hardware via the ConfigOptionDescriptors.list operation.


The ConfigOptions service provides access to virtual machine configuration options. The ConfigOptions.get provides the keys for various config options available on certain hardware. Further the results of ConfigOptions.get describe the supported execution environment for a virtual machine on a particular set of hardware.


The ConfigTargets service allows one to enumerate the hardware capabilities / device backings for particular set of clusters.