ESXCLI Commands

ESXCLI Commands

esxcli vm Commands

Command Description Options Help
vm appinfo get Get the state of appinfo component on the ESXi host.
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vm appinfo set Modify the appinfo component on the ESXi host.
--enabled | -e
Enable or Disable the appinfo component on the ESXi host. (required)
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vm process kill Used to forcibly kill Virtual Machines that are stuck and not responding to normal stop operations.
--type | -t
The type of kill operation to attempt. There are three types of VM kills that can be attempted: [soft, hard, force]. Users should always attempt 'soft' kills first, which will give the VMX process a chance to shutdown cleanly (like kill or kill -SIGTERM). If that does not work move to 'hard' kills which will shutdown the process immediately (like kill -9 or kill -SIGKILL). 'force' should be used as a last resort attempt to kill the VM. If all three fail then a reboot is required. (required)
--world-id | -w
The World ID of the Virtual Machine to kill. This can be obtained from the 'vm process list' command (required)
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vm process list List the virtual machines on this system. This command currently will only list running VMs on the system.
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