PM History Consumer Rapp

PM History Consumer Rapp

This specification describes the API presented by a sample test consumer rApp that consumes historical PM counter, CM read direct and CM write data types. The rApp is used to demonstrate the interaction between a consumer rApp and the R1 interface of the VMware Centralized RIC platform.

The PM History Consumer Rapp provides a pre-release API that is expected to change as O-RAN Alliance standards mature.

A consumer rApp must present an API to the R1 platform services if it uses the job-request and notification style of R1 data management. The API endpoints allow the rApp to be made aware of when results for a requested job are ready and of any changes in the status of a job.

Note: The notification style of data management is but one of several ways of interacting with data producers and services in the pre-standard RIC environment. It is used here as it demonstrates the widest extent of capabilities.